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Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2020


INTRODUCCION METODO 1 – Con módulo de Función METODO 2 – Con Field Symbol Observaciones INTRODUCCION En ocasiones sucede que necesitamos leer datos desde un programa, por ejemplo un user exit o BADI, pero estos se encuentran en otro programa o en una dynpro que no está disponible en los datos que tenemos a nuestra disposición. Existen 2 métodos que nos pueden ser útiles en esta situación. MODO 1 – Con módulo de función Este es el método más sencillo.  Se trata simplemente de hacer un CALL FUNCTION al módulo de función UA_READ_FIELD_FROM_DYNPRO, indicando el nombre del programa en el parámetro id_program, la dynpro en id_dynpro y el nombre del campo en id_field_name.  El valor leído lo retorna en el parámetro ed_field_value. Ejemplo: CALL FUNCTION ‘UA_READ_FIELD_FROM_DYNPRO’       EXPORTING         id_program     = sy-cprog      ...

Traduccion elemento de datos

Transfer ABAP Text Translations using SAP Transport Request with SLXT ABAP developers can execute SAP transaction code SLXT to transfer data element text translations into a transport request. In this programming tutorial, I want to show how ABAP developers can use SLXT transaction screen to collect translation changes for a sample data element object and put automatically the translations into a specified transport request. Let's create a sample data element. I have already created one named Z_TEXT80 and now I will create another data element using SE11 tcode as follows: Logon to SAP GUI Launch SE11 transaction Select option "Data Type" and type the name of the new data element DDIC object. For the sake of this ABAP tutorial, I used Z_TEXT120 Press Create button for the data element definition screen. Choose the object type as "Data Element". Press Continue or Enter On Data Element definition screen, provide a short description and type TEX...


Creating VOFM custom routine, functionality same as SAP standard routine 103 with Additional Functionality 1.    Introduction 1.1   Document Purpose 1.2    This is the document helps you to create custom routine for sales order for below specific requirement: Functional description: In case of sale order with the SD document category ‘K’ or ‘L’ or ‘H’ related to an invoice, we need to fill the fixed value date (VBKD_VALDT) with the billing reference date (VBRK_FKDAT). For example: Invoice 90001111, the billing date is 22.07.2013 If we create a sale order related to this invoice, we want the fixed value date equal to the billing reference date. As per the requirement: Sap standard routine ‘103’ triggers whenever sales order is being created with reference. Sap standard routine is configured in VOFM transaction as: Sap standard routine ‘103’ has the functionality of copying the billing document header data and bi...