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Leer hojas dentro de un XLS - ABAP

Me llego un requerimiento, para leer puntualmente una hoja, la tercera, siempre, guarde, donde se guarde el documento xls, hay varios métodos, pero necesitaba algo que sea independiente de alguna copia Z de una función, les paso el código y la fuente.

*& Sourav Bhaduri 02-Dec-2008
oref_container   TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
iref_control     TYPE REF TO i_oi_container_control,
iref_document    TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy,
iref_spreadsheet TYPE REF TO i_oi_spreadsheet,
iref_error       TYPE REF TO i_oi_error.
v_document_url TYPE c LENGTH 256,
i_sheets TYPE soi_sheets_table,
wa_sheets TYPE soi_sheets,
i_data        TYPE soi_generic_table,
wa_data       TYPE soi_generic_item,
i_ranges      TYPE soi_range_list.
p_file  TYPE  localfile OBLIGATORY,
p_rows TYPE i DEFAULT 100 OBLIGATORY, "Rows (Maximum 65536)
p_cols TYPE i DEFAULT 10 OBLIGATORY.    "Columns (Maximum 256)
  CALL METHOD c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control
       control = iref_control
       error   = iref_error
*      retcode =
  IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
    CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message
        type = 'E'.
  CREATE OBJECT oref_container
*      parent                      =
       container_name              = 'CONT'
*      style                       =
*      lifetime                    = lifetime_default
*      repid                       =
*      dynnr                       =
*      no_autodef_progid_dynnr     =
       cntl_error                  = 1
       cntl_system_error           = 2
       create_error                = 3
       lifetime_error              = 4
       lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
       OTHERS                      = 6.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e001(00) WITH 'Error while creating container'.
  CALL METHOD iref_control->init_control
*      dynpro_nr                = SY-DYNNR
*      gui_container            = ' '
       inplace_enabled          = 'X'
*      inplace_mode             = 0
*      inplace_resize_documents = ' '
*      inplace_scroll_documents = ' '
*      inplace_show_toolbars    = 'X'
*      no_flush                 = ' '
*      parent_id                = cl_gui_cfw=>dynpro_0
       r3_application_name      = 'EXCEL CONTAINER'
*      register_on_close_event  = ' '
*      register_on_custom_event = ' '
*      rep_id                   = SY-REPID
*      shell_style              = 1384185856
       parent                   = oref_container
*      name                     =
*      autoalign                = 'x'
       error                    = iref_error
*      retcode                  =
       javabeannotsupported     = 1
       OTHERS                   = 2
  IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
    CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message
        type = 'E'.
  CALL METHOD iref_control->get_document_proxy
*     document_format    = 'NATIVE'
      document_type      = soi_doctype_excel_sheet
*     no_flush           = ' '
*     register_container = ' '
       document_proxy     = iref_document
       error              = iref_error
*    retcode            =
  IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
    CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message
        type = 'E'.
* To provide F4 help for the file
  PERFORM sub_file_f4.
  CONCATENATE 'FILE://' p_file INTO v_document_url.
  CALL METHOD iref_document->open_document
      document_title   = 'Excel'
      document_url     = v_document_url
*     no_flush         = ' '
      open_inplace     = 'X'
*     open_readonly    = ' '
*     protect_document = ' '
*     onsave_macro     = ' '
*     startup_macro    = ''
*     user_info        =
      error            = iref_error
*     retcode          =
  IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
    CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message
        type = 'I'.
  CALL METHOD iref_document->get_spreadsheet_interface
       no_flush        = ' '
      error           = iref_error
      sheet_interface = iref_spreadsheet
*     retcode         =
  IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
    CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message
        type = 'I'.
  CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->get_sheets
       no_flush = ' '
*      updating = -1
       sheets   = i_sheets
       error    = iref_error
*      retcode  =
  IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
    CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message
        type = 'I'.
  LOOP AT i_sheets INTO wa_sheets.
    CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->select_sheet
          name     = wa_sheets-sheet_name
*         no_flush = ' '
          error    = iref_error
*         retcode  =
    IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
*      call method iref_error->raise_message
*        exporting
*          type = 'E'.
    CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->set_selection
        top     = 1
        left    = 1
        rows    = p_rows
        columns = p_cols.
    CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->insert_range
        name     = 'Test'
        rows     = p_rows
        columns  = p_cols
        no_flush = ''
        error    = iref_error.
    IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
*      call method iref_error->raise_message
*        exporting
*          type = 'E'.
    REFRESH i_data.
    CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->get_ranges_data
*        no_flush  = ' '
         all       = 'X'
*        updating  = -1
*        rangesdef =
         contents  = i_data
         error     = iref_error
*        retcode   =
         ranges    = i_ranges
* Remove ranges not to be processed else the data keeps on adding up
        call method iref_spreadsheet->delete_ranges
            ranges = i_ranges
    DELETE i_data WHERE value IS INITIAL OR value = space.
    WRITE:/1 wa_sheets-sheet_name COLOR 3.
    LOOP AT i_data INTO wa_data.
      WRITE:(50) wa_data-value.
      AT END OF row.
  CALL METHOD iref_document->close_document
*    do_save     = ' '
*    no_flush    = ' '
       error       = iref_error
*    has_changed =
*    retcode     =
  IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
    CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message
        type = 'I'.
  CALL METHOD iref_document->release_document
*    no_flush = ' '
       error    = iref_error
*    retcode  =
  IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X'.
    CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message
        type = 'I'.
*&      Form  SUB_FILE_F4
*       F4 help for file path
FORM sub_file_f4 .
  l_desktop       TYPE string,
  l_i_files       TYPE filetable,
  l_wa_files      TYPE file_table,
  l_rcode         TYPE int4.
* Finding desktop
  CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_desktop_directory
      desktop_directory    = l_desktop
      cntl_error           = 1
      error_no_gui         = 2
      not_supported_by_gui = 3
      OTHERS               = 4.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e001(00) WITH
        'Desktop not found'.
* Update View
  CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>update_view
      cntl_system_error = 1
      cntl_error        = 2
      OTHERS            = 3.
  CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
       window_title            = 'Select Excel file'
       default_extension       = '.xls'
*      default_filename        =
       file_filter             = '.xls'
*      with_encoding           =
       initial_directory       = l_desktop
*      multiselection          =
      file_table              = l_i_files
      rc                      = l_rcode
*     user_action             =
*     file_encoding           =
      file_open_dialog_failed = 1
      cntl_error              = 2
      error_no_gui            = 3
      not_supported_by_gui    = 4
      OTHERS                  = 5
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE e001(00) WITH 'Error while opening file'.
  READ TABLE l_i_files INDEX 1 INTO l_wa_files.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    p_file = l_wa_files-filename.
    MESSAGE e001(00) WITH 'Error while opening file'.
ENDFORM.                    " SUB_FILE_F4
The test data:
The selection screen:
The output:

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