Me llego un requerimiento, para leer puntualmente una hoja, la tercera, siempre, guarde, donde se guarde el documento xls, hay varios métodos, pero necesitaba algo que sea independiente de alguna copia Z de una función, les paso el código y la fuente.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZTEST_SOURAV_EXCEL *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Sourav Bhaduri 02 -Dec- 2008 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ztest_sourav_excel NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. DATA: oref_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, iref_control TYPE REF TO i_oi_container_control, iref_document TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy, iref_spreadsheet TYPE REF TO i_oi_spreadsheet, iref_error TYPE REF TO i_oi_error. DATA: v_document_url TYPE c LENGTH 256 , i_sheets TYPE soi_sheets_table, wa_sheets TYPE soi_sheets, i_data TYPE soi_generic_table, wa_data TYPE soi_generic_item, i_ranges TYPE soi_range_list. PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE localfile OBLIGATORY, p_rows TYPE i DEFAULT 100 OBLIGATORY, "Rows (Maximum 65536 ) p_cols TYPE i DEFAULT 10 OBLIGATORY. "Columns (Maximum 256 ) INITIALIZATION. CALL METHOD c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control IMPORTING control = iref_control error = iref_error * retcode = . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message EXPORTING type = 'E' . ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT oref_container EXPORTING * parent = container_name = 'CONT' * style = * lifetime = lifetime_default * repid = * dynnr = * no_autodef_progid_dynnr = EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5 OTHERS = 6 . IF sy-subrc <> 0 . MESSAGE e001( 00 ) WITH 'Error while creating container' . ENDIF. CALL METHOD iref_control->init_control EXPORTING * dynpro_nr = SY-DYNNR * gui_container = ' ' inplace_enabled = 'X' * inplace_mode = 0 * inplace_resize_documents = ' ' * inplace_scroll_documents = ' ' * inplace_show_toolbars = 'X' * no_flush = ' ' * parent_id = cl_gui_cfw=>dynpro_0 r3_application_name = 'EXCEL CONTAINER' * register_on_close_event = ' ' * register_on_custom_event = ' ' * rep_id = SY-REPID * shell_style = 1384185856 parent = oref_container * name = * autoalign = 'x' IMPORTING error = iref_error * retcode = EXCEPTIONS javabeannotsupported = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message EXPORTING type = 'E' . ENDIF. CALL METHOD iref_control->get_document_proxy EXPORTING * document_format = 'NATIVE' document_type = soi_doctype_excel_sheet * no_flush = ' ' * register_container = ' ' IMPORTING document_proxy = iref_document error = iref_error * retcode = . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message EXPORTING type = 'E' . ENDIF. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file. * To provide F4 help for the file PERFORM sub_file_f4. START-OF-SELECTION. CONCATENATE 'FILE://' p_file INTO v_document_url. CALL METHOD iref_document->open_document EXPORTING document_title = 'Excel' document_url = v_document_url * no_flush = ' ' open_inplace = 'X' * open_readonly = ' ' * protect_document = ' ' * onsave_macro = ' ' * startup_macro = '' * user_info = IMPORTING error = iref_error * retcode = . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message EXPORTING type = 'I' . LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING. ENDIF. CALL METHOD iref_document->get_spreadsheet_interface EXPORTING no_flush = ' ' IMPORTING error = iref_error sheet_interface = iref_spreadsheet * retcode = . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message EXPORTING type = 'I' . LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING. ENDIF. CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->get_sheets EXPORTING no_flush = ' ' * updating = - 1 IMPORTING sheets = i_sheets error = iref_error * retcode = . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message EXPORTING type = 'I' . LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING. ENDIF. LOOP AT i_sheets INTO wa_sheets. CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->select_sheet EXPORTING name = wa_sheets-sheet_name * no_flush = ' ' IMPORTING error = iref_error * retcode = . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . EXIT. * call method iref_error->raise_message * exporting * type = 'E' . ENDIF. CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->set_selection EXPORTING top = 1 left = 1 rows = p_rows columns = p_cols. CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->insert_range EXPORTING name = 'Test' rows = p_rows columns = p_cols no_flush = '' IMPORTING error = iref_error. IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . EXIT. * call method iref_error->raise_message * exporting * type = 'E' . ENDIF. REFRESH i_data. CALL METHOD iref_spreadsheet->get_ranges_data EXPORTING * no_flush = ' ' all = 'X' * updating = - 1 * rangesdef = IMPORTING contents = i_data error = iref_error * retcode = CHANGING ranges = i_ranges * Remove ranges not to be processed else the data keeps on adding up call method iref_spreadsheet->delete_ranges exporting ranges = i_ranges . DELETE i_data WHERE value IS INITIAL OR value = space. ULINE. WRITE:/ 1 wa_sheets-sheet_name COLOR 3 . ULINE. LOOP AT i_data INTO wa_data. WRITE:( 50 ) wa_data-value. AT END OF row. NEW-LINE. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. CALL METHOD iref_document->close_document * EXPORTING * do_save = ' ' * no_flush = ' ' IMPORTING error = iref_error * has_changed = * retcode = . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message EXPORTING type = 'I' . LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING. ENDIF. CALL METHOD iref_document->release_document * EXPORTING * no_flush = ' ' IMPORTING error = iref_error * retcode = . IF iref_error->has_failed = 'X' . CALL METHOD iref_error->raise_message EXPORTING type = 'I' . LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING. ENDIF. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SUB_FILE_F4 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * F4 help for file path *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM sub_file_f4 . DATA: l_desktop TYPE string, l_i_files TYPE filetable, l_wa_files TYPE file_table, l_rcode TYPE int4. * Finding desktop CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_desktop_directory CHANGING desktop_directory = l_desktop EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 OTHERS = 4 . IF sy-subrc <> 0 . MESSAGE e001( 00 ) WITH 'Desktop not found' . ENDIF. * Update View CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>update_view EXCEPTIONS cntl_system_error = 1 cntl_error = 2 OTHERS = 3 . CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog EXPORTING window_title = 'Select Excel file' default_extension = '.xls' * default_filename = file_filter = '.xls' * with_encoding = initial_directory = l_desktop * multiselection = CHANGING file_table = l_i_files rc = l_rcode * user_action = * file_encoding = EXCEPTIONS file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 OTHERS = 5 . IF sy-subrc <> 0 . MESSAGE e001( 00 ) WITH 'Error while opening file' . ENDIF. READ TABLE l_i_files INDEX 1 INTO l_wa_files. IF sy-subrc = 0 . p_file = l_wa_files-filename. ELSE. MESSAGE e001( 00 ) WITH 'Error while opening file' . ENDIF. ENDFORM. " SUB_FILE_F4 |
The test data:

The selection screen:

The output:

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